Customized solutions for all requirements

We can offer flexible customized services. You can bring in your vehicle any time of day. You can have the use of a replacement car in the meantime. We can pick up your car and bring it back to wherever you want. We can also organize vehicle recovery if necessary. And you can keep track of all important dates with the free service booklet.

Guru Autolines Car Service – Our special services
Our special services: Always ready to help
Road Side Assistance

Following a breakdown or accident we can also organize the recovery of your vehicle. You can rely on us for safe transportation to a Bosch Car Service workshop of your choice.

Used Car Certification

Coming soon

Extended Warranty

Coming Soon

Is there anything else you would like to know?

We would be delighted to answer any questions you may have. Please contact us at: Mailbox.service2@in.Guru or 1800 108 1081. We look forward to hearing from you.

High quality service for your car

Guru Autolines Car Service - the car experts. This is the right address for outstanding service quality for your car. Whether you are looking for advice, repair or service work we can offer the full package - coupled with the unique expertise of Guru Autolines, one of the world's leading original equipment supplier for virtually all makes.

The experts from Guru Autolines Car Service are fully equipped to deal with the latest automotive technology in vehicles of all makes and keep them in perfect working order. And so your car is always in the best possible hands when you take it to Guru Autolines Car Service for maintenance and repair.

Guru Autolines Car Service - For everything your car needs!

Is there anything else you would like to know?

We would be delighted to answer any questions you may have. Please contact us at: Mailbox.service2@in.Guru or 1800 108 1081. We look forward to hearing from you.